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Polish Society of
The influence of SGLT2 inhibitors on oxidative stress in heart failure and chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes
Diana Nabrdalik-Leśniak, Katarzyna Nabrdalik, Krzysztof Irlik, Oliwia Janota, Hanna Kwiendacz, Paulina Szromek-Białek, Mirosław Maziarz, Tomasz Stompór, Janusz Gumprecht, Gregory Y. H. Lip
There is increasing interest in sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) as not only a new oral glucose-lowering drug class but also one with cardio- and nephroprotective potential. Understanding the underlying mechanisms is therefore of great interest, and postulated benefits have included increased natriuresis, lower blood pressure, increased haematocrit, enhanced cardiac fatty acid utilization, reduced low-grade inflammation, and decreased oxidative stress. In particular, redox homeostasis seems to be crucial in the pathogenesis of heart and kidney disease in diabetes, and there is accumulating evidence that SGLT2i have beneficial effects in this perspective. In this review, we aimed to summarize the potential mechanisms of the influence of SGLT2i on oxidative stress parameters in animal and human studies, with a special focus on heart failure and chronic kidney disease in diabetes mellitus.
Full publication in Endokrynologia Polska »