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Polish Society of
Clinical efficacy and safety of use of alfacalcidol and calcitriol in daily endocrinological practice
Michał Stuss, Marta Michalska-Kasiczak, Ewa Sewerynek
This paper aims to discuss and compare 2 vitamin D derivatives available on the Polish market, alfacalcidol and calcitriol, in the context of their effectiveness and safety in endocrine patients. Both above-mentioned substances find a number of applications, including in hypoparathyroidism, which is one of the most common indications for their use. We would also like to draw the reader’s attention to the fact that there are quite a lot of reports in the literature on the positive effect of alfacalcidol and calcitriol on maintaining bone mass and the risk of fractures, which may bring additional potential benefits to our patients.