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Polish Society of
6th European Young Endocrine Scientists Meeting
"ESE has a focus on supporting early career endocrinologists and works closely with the European Young Endocrine Scientists (EYES) network to ensure that their needs are being met. ESE aims to provide top quality continuous endocrine related education and training provision for all career stages in both clinical practice and basic research, and works to create a dynamic community which will inspire the next generation of endocrinologists."
It gives us great pleasure to invite you to the 6th European Young Endocrine Scientists (EYES) Meeting, that would take place in Poznań, Poland, on behalf of the European Young Endocrine Scientists (EYES), Klub 30, European Society of Endocrinology (ESE) and Polish Society of Endocrinology. EYES meetings are designed to support scientific and professional interaction among young scientists interested in endocrinology from all over the world, with the aim of advancing knowledge, sharing experience and promoting future collaboration.